Ping Yahoo Vitamins for Oily Skin ~ HEALTH CARE

Friday, July 31, 2009

Vitamins for Oily Skin

Oily skin vitamins are vitamins that fights the imbalance caused by excess lubrication of skin.
Excess of heat and humidity also tends to stimulate the activity of sebaceous glands, resulting in excess skin lubrication.
The positive side is that vitamins or multivitamins can help to reduce the action of sebaceous gland. Numerous benefits of vitamins are known for achieving a healthy, young and glowing skin.
Wide range of these vitamins can open enlarged pores, reduce spots and greasy appearance from the skin.
Vitamins for oily skin are mainly B Vitamins. These are required for healthy skin and proper blood circulation to have a flawless skin.
People can either consume adequate amount of these vitamins to fulfill the need or go for vitamin supplements. Foods that need to be avoided are sugar, excess oil and butter.
If going for supplements, adults can take the 1 B vitamin complex per day or a formula of 50 mg three times a day whereas children can go for ½ a tablet per day.
Vitamin B 5 oily skin products also work wonders in fighting skin acne. B5 Vitamins penetrates the skin and work from within to fight acne. Vitamin B5 slows down the production of oil in the body and eventually stops acne. This true oily skin vitamin can also be received by consuming sufficient amount of organ meat, wheat germ and nutritional yeast. These sources help in skin rejuvenation.
Oily skin vitamins are best to nourish skin and provide long tem health and well being.